• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

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SSAR Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SSARJMS)

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SSAR Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SSARJMS)

Subject: Multidisciplinary Studies 
ISSN: 3049-2041 (Online)

Addr.Title: SSAR J Multidiscip. Stud
Frequency: Bimonthly
Publisher: SSAR Publishers

Publication Format: Online 

Address: Karoiguri, Karoiguri, Hojai Assam Pin-782440
Country of Origin: India
Language: English
Chief Editor: DR Collen Kajongwe
Journal Starting Year: 2024

Journal Starting Year 2024

“SSAR Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SSARJMS)”,

Abbreviated key title: SSAR J Multidiscip. Stud, ISSN: 3049-2041 (Online), is an open-access peer-reviewed international journal published by SSAR Publishers, releasing bimonthly six issues each year. The journal is dedicated to publishing and disseminating high-quality scientific research across a broad range of multidisciplinary fields. It aims to feature original research, as well as theoretical and practical advancements, and serves as a platform for scientists and academics worldwide to promote, share, and discuss new findings and developments in diverse areas of multidisciplinary Areas. The journal quality with our editorial board and SSARJMS team, we are working hard to present our greatest to researchers and scientific communities, and to supply guidance to emerging talented authors across the world.

Scope of the Journal:

The scope of the journal you described covers a vast range of disciplines, including both natural and social sciences, technology, arts, humanities, health sciences, and various specialized fields within each domain. Here’s a summary of the major categories outlined:

  • Multidisciplinary Subjects
  • Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies: Integrates knowledge and methods from various fields to approach complex issues.
  • Science and Engineering:
    • Physical Sciences: Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, and related fields.
    • Engineering: Various branches like Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and others.
    • Mathematical and Statistical Sciences: Mathematics, Statistics, and related areas in data science and analytics.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities:
    • Economics, Political Science, Psychology: Study of human behavior, societal dynamics, and governance.
    • Literature: English, Hindi, Sanskrit Literature, and others.
    • History, Philosophy, Religious Studies: Understanding of historical events, ideologies, and belief systems.
  • Health and Medical Sciences:
    • Covers disciplines like Neurology, Oncology, Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Surgery, and Veterinary Medicine among others.
    • Includes clinical fields such as Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, and Pediatrics.
  • Life and Biological Sciences:
    • Includes areas like Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Ecology, and Marine Sciences.
    • Specialized fields like Immunology, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, and Toxicology.
  • Technology and IT:
    • Focus on Information Technology, Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Cybersecurity, and IT in business contexts such as Enterprise Resource Planning and E-Commerce.
  • Business and Management:
    • Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Business Management, and Entrepreneurship.
    • Specialized areas like Accounting, Banking, Insurance, and Financial Development.
  • Environmental and Earth Sciences:
    • Covers fields like Environmental Science, Ecology, Geology, and Astrobiology.
  • Education and Psychology:
    • Includes Educational Theory, Learning Sciences, and Psychological Studies.
  • Agricultural Sciences:
  • Encompasses Agriculture, Biodiversity, Food Security, and Farming Technologies.
  • Tourism, Hotel Management, and Marketing:
  • Related to Tourism, Hotel Management, and the business aspects of these industries.
  • Law and Legal Studies:
  • Covers various aspects of Law, International Law, and Public Policy.
  • Specialized Sciences:
  • Astrobiology, Paleontology, Virology, and Quantum Biology among others.

This broad scope allows for a wide range of research and discussions that span from foundational science and technology to specialized health, business, and social sciences.

VOLUME 2 – 2025

Volume-2 Issue-2 (Mar-Apr) 2025

Volume-2 Issue-1 (Jan-Feb) 2025

VOLUME 1 – 2024

Volume-1 Issue-1 (Nov-Dec) 2024

VOLUME 2 – 2025


Language: Papers are accepted only in English.

Page Format: Manuscripts should be prepared as Microsoft Word documents in Times New Roman (font size 12) on A4 size paper, leaving 1-inch margins on all four sides in two columns. Line spacing should be single, including references and tables. Tables and figures should be placed in their order within the manuscript. The text must be within 30 printable pages, and additional pages will be charged.

Manuscript Title: The title should be a concise phrase.

Author Information: Provide the full names and affiliations of all authors, including emails and phone numbers of the corresponding author.

Abstract: The abstract should be less than 300 words. Following the abstract, include a list of keywords (not exceeding 7) and abbreviations. The abstract is meant for unfamiliar and long words.

Introduction: Clearly state the current issues in the introduction.

Materials and Methods: This section must be clearly defined.

Results and Discussion: Authors can present results and discussion in a single section or separately.

Acknowledgment: Include brief information, grant details, and funding sources in this section.

References: Arrange references at the end of the manuscript in the order of their appearance in the text. Present references in brackets as et al., for example, Single Author (Rajul, M. 2018), Multiple Authors (Rajul M et al., 2018). Follow the APA Citation Style.

Publication Fees: While there are no submission charges, authors are required to pay publication fees after their manuscripts are accepted.

Proofreading and Publication: Authors will receive proofs before publication. Carefully review the proofs to avoid errors and return them to the editorial office. The editorial office will promptly publish the document.