• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

SSAR Publishers

Scholar Scientific and Academic Research Publishers


Abstract: This work x-rayed Igba-ndu in Ohaibe Family Union, 1960-2017. Ohaibe Family Union, is a blood covenanted between four distinct clans; Amasiri, Igbere, Akaeze and Mpu. Over the years, this family union has been maintained and serviced by these clans. The union has brought great level of peaceful co-existence among these uniting clans. However, this union is not devoid of challenges as the present generation tends to ignore some of the rules guiding the union. Notwithstanding, the clans have demonstrated great resilience in maintaining and preserving the Ohaibe Family Union and these efforts have not been acknowledged and documented for posterity. The objectives of this work are to find out what led to the formation of Ohaibe family union and the roles of the uniting clans in maintaining the union, between 1960 and 2017. Data for this study was gathered from primary source, notably from oral interview. Moreso, data was accessed from available secondary materials like books and internet materials. The design adopted for this study was descriptive technique, while qualitative method was used as data analysis and the presentation was chronologically made. This study revealed that the uniting clans of Ohaibe Family Union abhorred shedding or letting of blood among the mselves. Consequently, the study concludes that, notwithstanding some challenges faced by the uniting clans of Ohaibe Family Union, they have strived to sustain the objectives of their forebears.


Keywords: Igba-ndu, Family, Union, Ohaibe Family