• Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

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Name: Dr. Sakthikala R (M.Sc, M.Phil, B.Ed, SET., Ph.D)
Associate Professor Department of Mathematics, Statistics at PSGR Krishnammal College for Women (India). 
Email: sakthikalar@psgrkcw.ac.in
Profile Link: https://psgrkcw.irins.org/profile/135903#education_information_panel  


Name: Dr. Collen Kajongwe
Senior Lecturer Department of Human Resources Management at Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences (Zimbabwe).  
Email: collen.kajongwe@staff.msuas.ac.zw
Profile Link: https://msuas.ac.zw/dr-collen-kajongwe/

Ashokkumar B.Prajapati

Assistant Professor Department of Education Research, Psychology, ICT at Soorajba College of Education, Kadi and Sarva Vishwavidyalaya University (Gandhinagar) India.
Email: ashok.prajapati@ksv.ac.in
Profile Link: https://soorajbabed.org/staff/dr-ashokkumar-b-prajapati/

Name: Dr. Nazrul Islam

Professor, Department of International Business, School of Business and Entrepreneurship Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).

Email: nazrul@iub.edu.bd

Profile Link: https://iub.ac.bd/faculties/nazrul


Researcher and Professor Department of Arts, Applied Specific Education, Home Economics, Textiles & Apparel Kafrelsheikh University (Egypt).

Email: elsayed.elnashar@spe.kfs.edu.eg

Profile Link: https://kfs.academia.edu/EElnashar

Name: Rupam Majumder
Assistant Professor Department of Economic, Business-Financial Management and Accounts at Salesian College (Autonomous), NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade College (India).

Email: rupammajumder2014@salesiancollege.net
Profile Link:

Name: Dr. Steven Cates
Graduate Professor Department of Human Resources Management, Employment and Labor Law, Strategic Leadership at Purdue University Global (Carolina).
Email: scates@purdueglobal.edu
Profile Link:

Name: Dr. Mohammad Farajnezhad
Lecturer & Researcher – Department of Macroeconomics, Monetary Policy, Financial Economics, Environmental Economics, Labor Market, Health Economic at University Technology Malaysia (UTM) (Malaysia).  
Email: taban1010@gmail.com

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Name: Dr. Abdelrahman Tahir
Assistant professor Department of Administrative Sciences & Economics, According, Business management at National Ribat University (Sudan).  
Email: abdelrahmantahir@hotmail.com
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Name: Ahamed Lebbe Mohamed Najimudeen
Researcher and Finance Manager Department of Finance, Accounting, Management (Dubai UAE) Sri Lanka.

Email: almnajimudeen@gmail.com
Profile Link:

Editorial Reviewer

Name: Wan Suryani

Lecturer Department of Tourism Marketing, Digital Marketing, Business and Management at Universitas Medan Area (Indonesia).
Email: wansuryani@staff.uma.ac.id
Profile Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hzGQpRQAAAAJ&hl=en